Which relative never pesté vis-a-vis the new hut of his small children, not easily manufactured using cloths and of cushions? After the construction of this hut makes house, it is generally necessary to arrange… while râlant a little in front of the ruins of this habitat of fortune. But you reassure, these dark moments touch at their end with the arrival of the benefactor tipi! Easy to harmonize with the déco room, it offers to our kids a lasted long hut, a hiding-place to be arranged with their own way… and exempt the parents of the regular arrangement. Large plan on this decoration so trendy!
A tipi ethnique environment
As of the youth, the adventurous fibre of the small children is made known.Also this tipi environment camp-site into full cambrousse should allure the grass fighters.
Accompanied by pretty poufs ethniques and coloured, the ground covered with covers, this tipi gives the impression to wait patiently until a clan of small children come to play there!
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Photograph:Bodieandfou.com (photographer François Köng/stylism Karine Köng)
A tipi environment hippie
Sometimes the children like to build their hut with the centre even show… what hardly arranges the parents.In such a situation, this tipi is essential like a pretty compromise…
Explication.It dissociates childish environment, posts the color trendy clearly:purple out of date subjected to the tendency tie and dye.What will make of him an asset charms in the part of the adults while satisfying chérubins.At the interior, to underline environment a bit hippie of the effect tie and dye, some cushions in flax with the soft colors are laid out.
Photograph:George E-shop
A tipi romantic environment
To digress as a recluse or bouquiner in all peace, this tipi seems the dreamed place.Cloth with the finely embroidered edging and fine lights marking an obstruction make of him a true romantic harbour where it will be good to withdraw world of large!
At the interior, the small child will be comfortably installed with a carpet of false fur on the ground and cushions pink and cream quite as marrowy.
Photograph:Not too shaggy on Etsy
A tipi very tendency
For the kids eager to be in the page, this tipi trendy should make some happy. By misant all on the geometrical pastels and reasons, it does not make any fashion false step… inside like outside!
With its lines glass of peppermint cordial outside and its pink carpet accompanied by cushions with pea, this tipi gives greedy airs to the room!
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Photograph: Nobodinoz
A tipi Bohemian environment
Here a tipi which does not disavow its Indian origins. The spirit of Navajos plane in this reference mark of child who will make fade of jealousy the large ones!
A catch-dream suspended at its entry, a veil embroidered over, a cushion with the ethnique printed paper form and a mattress for more comfort on the ground.A Bohemian example of perfectly controlled style!
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Photograph: Children of the Tribe
A tipi for a corner reading
Each tipi will be decorated according to tastes' with the child and his desires.Very stripped in its decoration, this tipi has simple a boutis matelassé on the ground, some cushions and especially a trouble light.
Ultra practice for smallest, the trouble light will accompany the child in his displacements… and especially to its hut impromptu where it will be able to devour his books preferred with the variation and without abimer the eyes.An element of déco which thus has all its importance!
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Photograph: Serendipity
A tipi environment girly
A tipi environment girly
Among the favorite activities of chérubins:to build huts and to play dinette.This tipi a bit girly combines both astutely!
Thanks to its height and the width of its door of entry (imaginary the door obviously!),the children will be able to accomodate some friends for the tea time.A very low table, some cushions of ground, and the tipi is transformed into show of tea… where the parents will obviously not have the import duty!
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Photograph:Leroy Merlin
A tipi version head-of-reads
The tipi does not plant only environment or offers a secret space to the children, it is also diverted like element of decoration.The proof here with this head-of-reads version tipi which comes to cap with style the corner harms.
More insulating and amusing that a simple veil, the tipi head-of-reads accomodates a pretty small light marking an obstruction which could be useful like bedside lamp.
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Photograph: Decopeques
A tipi to be the shelter of the glances
Obviously, all the tipis for children protect from the glance from large but this one, with its black envelope, even more.Impossible to succeed in seeing through!
Another pretty detail of this tipi with white peas, the choice of the cushions on the ground. Place at imagination and the pastels, with cushions in the shape of heart or elephant which will like in particular smallest.
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Photograph: The Land of Nod
A tipi halfway with the tent
The tipi takes sometimes some freedoms. Example with this funny of hut halfway between the tipi and tries it. As high as a tipi, as broad as a tent, it incarne perfect the combo for the children who dream of a hut and for the parents eager to keep an eye on them.
If this hut has evil to be a true identity, level tendency it has good. Colours pastels, bearing drink some and profusion of cushions, it is a true invitation with the idleness after the hard days of school!
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Photograph: N74
A tipi version park for child
This narrowed version of the tipi should amuse the whole small. All in width rather than in height, the children in low-age will be able to play there wisely as in a park. The whole with the shelter, on a carpet douillet.
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