Which are the symptoms of a heart attack among women?

Until recently, research on the heart attack related mainly to the men.However, of the recent studies reveal that the women present certain symptoms different from those of the men at the time of a heart attack.

 Too much often, the signs of a heart attack passes unperceived to the women; in fact, the women, their close relations and even their doctor do not recognize them in many cases. Often, the women allot their symptoms to another problem of health or of the side effects of a drug or they think that they will disappear all alone. Consequently, the women always do not obtain the care which they need to prevent the complications rising from a heart attack and death.

 The thoracic pain (chest) is the symptom more running to the two sexes, but the women are also likely to test the following symptoms:

 - an unusual tiredness which worsens at the time of the activity;
 - a difficulty of breathing;
 - heartburn which is not relieved by antiacids;
 - nauseas and/or vomiting which is not relieved by antiacids;
 - anxiety;
 - a feeling of squeezing and pain in the chest which can extend to the neck, the jaw and the shoulders;
 - a generalized weakness;
 - a dye paler than usually;
 - sweats.
 Certain women present only few of these symptoms, whereas others all test them at the same time. The symptoms can be suddenly stated then to disappear. Moreover, several women say to have tested these symptoms during up to one month before their heart attack. If you test one of these symptoms and believe to make a heart attack, compose the 911 without delaying or present you at the medical centre urgently nearest.

Louis Benech, the landscape gardener of reference

From Versailles in Panama while passing by Greece or the Public records, Louis Benech is a inouï "creative-handbook" attached to create the harmony between the environments landscape and architectural which it must associate.

 louis benechLouis Benech 

 Discrete, nice, the man puts himself little ahead; but in the microcosm of the plant, it is a reference! Great private properties, institutional companies (Hermès, Novartis, Suez) public and royal domains (Versailles, Be worth, Chaumont on the Loire, Villandry, Achilleion of Corfou....); for them all, it is a size except standard. With its only name the doors of the most exclusive fields open; and plants and shrubs even seem to be balanced more gently with the wind.

Chaumont on the Loire

Chaumont on the Loire 

  TPLF: How you qualify yourselves? Architect of parks, designer of outside, gardener?

 LB: In the absolute I am not large-thing; but I will say rather than I am a landscape gardener. I like to be this creative mixture - handbook which carries me with softness in the existence. I still arrive, and I almost do it with the daily newspaper, to make use of a spade and shears; and I like to make of a garden a space of balance, of softness which moderates the angular sides of the life, to conceive a federator place of peace in which each one can be found.


 TPLF: Of what your know-how consists?

 LB: My know-how is very chameleon and my work consists in adapting me to historical, natural, architectural data while respecting their quality but by making them evolve/move to make them more contemporary.

  louis benechLouis Benech 
 TPLF: How you represent the innovation and the necessary safeguarding of the inheritance?

 LB: To in no case, one should not create things which were not there at their origin. The work continued in Versailles is a concrete example: multiple floors of flowers were created at the XIX 2nd century; whereas the gardens of Lenôtre were only topiary and boxwood embroideries.

 Not a place by nature does not resemble the other and it is necessary to adapt to the places while thinking about it only of one thing: the garden is and must remain a pleasure. Its owner should not be slave like that could for it be it in the past for certain gardeners. And it is necessary to think on the adequacy time, geographical situation and ground, means human and financial to maintain, in the future, the garden created.

 Many people want to have fun and create a labyrinth thinking that that will amuse the children to be lost there. Do not believe not that the young people prefer to lose themselves in a numerical play?  And with the owner will remain hours and hours of boxwood size or charms!

 TPLF: Which was your work with Villandry?


 LB: I wanted to bring a little freedom in the hectares of rigour of this property. Kitchen garden-orchard, garden of water and ornament, plants annual, boxwood kms and topiary one are enchantement made possible thanks to the many gardeners who activate themselves all the year to carry out an impressionist table in this Renaissance unit. But it was necessary me to create an imagination almost iconoclaste and to bring breath and lightness by the long-lived ones certainly but also of the graminaceous ones.


TPLF: Landscape design with the Public records

 LB: To juggle between the gardens of the quadrilateral of the Files, the architectural constraints of the hotel of Soubise (closings by the stables, seen on the close hotels); it was necessary to find cement, a directing wire.¶The craftsman of this unification could be only one tree, a tree eternal, persistent; namely the umbrella pine. It is a tree always green, solid, universal, at the same time shifted for the Parisian traditional gardens and as emblematic as that which ombrait the fathers of the democracy.

  Public records 

 TPLF: And in Versailles where you have just carried out the thicket of the water theatre?

 LB: Which wonder, which challenge to work for Versailles: an infinite pleasure, an insane occasion. I do not know a place which has such an alchemy of direction, such a width. But which anguish too!

Versailles seen general

Several tracks guided farmhouse not in the design of the project:places while joining again with the idea of the water theatre made up in the beginning of multiple fountains playing with vegetable architectures and the trellis-work;the echo with childhood because the sculptures which lived the thicket were children playing; a necessary work to several hands as Ours did it which never worked only, from where my call to JM Othoniel. By redrawing this thicket, I wished to make reappear the feery and poetry inherent in the thickets of origin created by Ours.

  The thicket 
 TPLF: Your preferred flower?

 LB: Romneya Coulteri, a semi-shrubby plant of California to the large white flowers, whose petals are like ruffled tissue paper.

 TPLF: Your preferred tree?

 LB: The beech with sheet of fern, a tree with the very drawn silhouette and the port perfectly defined in round.

 TPLF: The word of the end

 LB: The gardener is almost always in a situation full with random and surprised: one can never envisage the growth of the plants; permanently what one projects does not realize and this margin of grace leaves you in a state of humility necessary.

Twelve best jobs for the women in 2015

According to a classification published in the American magazine Forbes, the trade of actuary or financial analyst is most favorable to the women, this year in the United States.

Annual wages, perspective of recruitings, parity… The American site Forbes published the classification of twelve best employment for the American women.  To lead to this signal, the site of assistance of search for CareerCast employment joined together data resulting from the Statistical office of American Work (BLS), on the annual average wages and the prospects for recruitings envisaged from here at 2022. The site also takes into account criteria such as the stress, the requirements physical, and the percentage of women working in the sector.

 All in all, the financial world opens its arms with the female employees liberally. The actuary, whose mission consists to identify, manage and analyze the financial impact of the risk, or the analyst of the markets is ds profiles among most advantageous for the fair sex.  Data processing (analyst of information processing systems), human resources, publicity or medicine (dental hygienist or kinesitherapist) have also great wage advantages, positive prospects for recruiting and employ a great number of women.

 In 2012, 57,7 % of the women were in the active life according to the department of American Work. A figure which should increase by 9 % from here 2018, is 6 462 000 new women employed in six years "As more and more of women continue to enter the active life, of the careers take shape to provide a chance equalizes to succeed professionally and financially", explains Tony Lee, editor at CareerCast. "the identified professions pay well, they concentrate a high percentage women and should offer solids opportunities in the future" In the sector of data processing, for example, the professional outlets for the women increased considerably during the 21e century.

Room of child: the tipi, the new hut trendy!

Which relative never pesté vis-a-vis the new hut of his small children, not easily manufactured using cloths and of cushions? After the construction of this hut makes house, it is generally necessary to arrange… while râlant a little in front of the ruins of this habitat of fortune. But you reassure, these dark moments touch at their end with the arrival of the benefactor tipi! Easy to harmonize with the déco room, it offers to our kids a lasted long hut, a hiding-place to be arranged with their own way… and exempt the parents of the regular arrangement. Large plan on this decoration so trendy!

A tipi ethnique environment 

As of the youth, the adventurous fibre of the small children is made known.Also this tipi environment camp-site into full cambrousse should allure the grass fighters.

Accompanied by pretty poufs ethniques and coloured, the ground covered with covers, this tipi gives the impression to wait patiently until a clan of small children come to play there!

tipi mint has leau room enfant.jpg

Photograph:Bodieandfou.com (photographer François Köng/stylism Karine Köng)

A tipi environment hippie

Sometimes the children like to build their hut with the centre even show… what hardly arranges the parents.In such a situation, this tipi is essential like a pretty compromise…

Explication.It dissociates childish environment, posts the color trendy clearly:purple out of date subjected to the tendency tie and dye.What will make of him an asset charms in the part of the adults while satisfying chérubins.At the interior, to underline environment a bit hippie of the effect tie and dye, some cushions in flax with the soft colors are laid out.

Photograph:George E-shop

A tipi romantic environment

To digress as a recluse or bouquiner in all peace, this tipi seems the dreamed place.Cloth with the finely embroidered edging and fine lights marking an obstruction make of him a true romantic harbour where it will be good to withdraw world of large!

At the interior, the small child will be comfortably installed with a carpet of false fur on the ground and cushions pink and cream quite as marrowy.

Photograph:Not too shaggy on Etsy 

A tipi very tendency  

For the kids eager to be in the page, this tipi trendy should make some happy. By misant all on the geometrical pastels and reasons, it does not make any fashion false step… inside like outside!

With its lines glass of peppermint cordial outside and its pink carpet accompanied by cushions with pea, this tipi gives greedy airs to the room!

tipi nobodinoz.jpg 

Photograph: Nobodinoz

A tipi Bohemian environment 

Here a tipi which does not disavow its Indian origins. The spirit of Navajos plane in this reference mark of child who will make fade of jealousy the large ones!

A catch-dream suspended at its entry, a veil embroidered over, a cushion with the ethnique printed paper form and a mattress for more comfort on the ground.A Bohemian example of perfectly controlled style!

tipi boheme.jpg spirit 

Photograph: Children of the Tribe

A tipi for a corner reading 

Each tipi will be decorated according to tastes' with the child and his desires.Very stripped in its decoration, this tipi has simple a boutis matelassé on the ground, some cushions and especially a trouble light.

Ultra practice for smallest, the trouble light will accompany the child in his displacements… and especially to its hut impromptu where it will be able to devour his books preferred with the variation and without abimer the eyes.An element of déco which thus has all its importance!

tipi white child serendipity.jpg 

Photograph: Serendipity

A tipi environment girly

Among the favorite activities of chérubins:to build huts and to play dinette.This tipi a bit girly combines both astutely!

Thanks to its height and the width of its door of entry (imaginary the door obviously!),the children will be able to accomodate some friends for the tea time.A very low table, some cushions of ground, and the tipi is transformed into show of tea… where the parents will obviously not have the import duty!

tipi pink room child leroy merlin.jpg 

Photograph:Leroy Merlin

A tipi version head-of-reads 

The tipi does not plant only environment or offers a secret space to the children, it is also diverted like element of decoration.The proof here with this head-of-reads version tipi which comes to cap with style the corner harms.

More insulating and amusing that a simple veil, the tipi head-of-reads accomodates a pretty small light marking an obstruction which could be useful like bedside lamp.

tipi tete of bed room enfant.jpg 

Photograph: Decopeques

A tipi to be the shelter of the glances 

Obviously, all the tipis for children protect from the glance from large but this one, with its black envelope, even more.Impossible to succeed in seeing through!

Another pretty detail of this tipi with white peas, the choice of the cushions on the ground. Place at imagination and the pastels, with cushions in the shape of heart or elephant which will like in particular smallest.

tipi white pea room enfant.jpg 

Photograph: The Land of Nod

A tipi halfway with the tent 

The tipi takes sometimes some freedoms. Example with this funny of hut halfway between the tipi and tries it. As high as a tipi, as broad as a tent, it incarne perfect the combo for the children who dream of a hut and for the parents eager to keep an eye on them.

If this hut has evil to be a true identity, level tendency it has good. Colours pastels, bearing drink some and profusion of cushions, it is a true invitation with the idleness after the hard days of school!

tipi with mattress enfant.jpg 

Photograph: N74

A tipi version park for child 

This narrowed version of the tipi should amuse the whole small. All in width rather than in height, the children in low-age will be able to play there wisely as in a park. The whole with the shelter, on a carpet douillet.

To note the small additional key déco with the garland of flags.

end .

Dip of haricot beans to garlic and lemon 5 min for preparation


    400 G of haricot beans out of box  
    1 lemon 
    1 clove of garlic in a hurry 
    3 C with olive oil soup 


Rinse beans.
Mix with the clove of garlic pressed, half of the lemon juice, 3 C with olive oil soup, salt and pepper.Taste, rectify out of lemon, oil and seasoning if need be.
You can accompany this dip by small vegetables (radish, hearts of sucrines, celery branches, etc), 
of gressins and fine sections of pork-butchery.

Angela Merkel remains the most powerful woman of the world

Angela Merkel squatte the first walk of the podium "Forbes" for the fifth consecutive year and the tenth time since the creation of the classification. The German chancelière is at the head of the classification of the hundred most powerful women of the world, published each year by the American economic magazine. She is followed by the candidate to the American presidential election. Arrival sixth last year, Hillary Clinton grappillé some places to climb in the second place. On the third walk of the podium, one finds the philanthropist Melinda Gates .