Which are the symptoms of a heart attack among women?

Until recently, research on the heart attack related mainly to the men.However, of the recent studies reveal that the women present certain symptoms different from those of the men at the time of a heart attack.

 Too much often, the signs of a heart attack passes unperceived to the women; in fact, the women, their close relations and even their doctor do not recognize them in many cases. Often, the women allot their symptoms to another problem of health or of the side effects of a drug or they think that they will disappear all alone. Consequently, the women always do not obtain the care which they need to prevent the complications rising from a heart attack and death.

 The thoracic pain (chest) is the symptom more running to the two sexes, but the women are also likely to test the following symptoms:

 - an unusual tiredness which worsens at the time of the activity;
 - a difficulty of breathing;
 - heartburn which is not relieved by antiacids;
 - nauseas and/or vomiting which is not relieved by antiacids;
 - anxiety;
 - a feeling of squeezing and pain in the chest which can extend to the neck, the jaw and the shoulders;
 - a generalized weakness;
 - a dye paler than usually;
 - sweats.
 Certain women present only few of these symptoms, whereas others all test them at the same time. The symptoms can be suddenly stated then to disappear. Moreover, several women say to have tested these symptoms during up to one month before their heart attack. If you test one of these symptoms and believe to make a heart attack, compose the 911 without delaying or present you at the medical centre urgently nearest.